PNLD strives to provide the information you need, when you need it. We have developed a suite of innovative products and services in response to customer demand.
Police National Legal Database (PNLD) is an online resource of criminal justice legislation and is available on subscription -
Current legislation - Acts of Parliament, Common Law, Regulations, Orders and Byelaws, summaries of relevant cases and national standard offence wordings and codes used throughout the court system of England and Wales
All legislation is annotated with clear explanations and guidance written in plain English by our dedicated team of Legal Advisers
Police Officers and Staff will be able to access the legal database free from any personal web enabled device as part of their force subscription, at no additional cost to the individual
PLUS a comprehensive legal question and answering service
Please see our Benefits page for more information.
Unique solutions for legal support and reference
A free to access online information resource of Q&A’s that respond to the general public’s most frequently asked policing questions. Offers an alternative contact method, reducing calls to the police, freeing up resources and saving money -
Over 900 questions and answers, guidance and advice on crime or legal related issues with national links to relevant organisations.
Can’t find what you are looking for, then ask Charlie our chatbot, who is more than happy to point you in the right direction.
PLUS the facility to email a question directly
Police Officers and Staff will be able to access the legal database free from any personal web enabled device as part of their force subscription, at no additional cost to the individual
Additional option for a police force or local authority to add localised information, additional questions or embed the website content
Purchase the concept, Police Scotland has done just that -
Empowering the public - Serving the community
Edited Ask The Police
Police National Legal Database (PNLD) is an online resource of criminal justice legislation and is available on subscription -
Current legislation - Acts of Parliament, Common Law, Regulations, Orders and Byelaws, summaries of relevant cases and national standard offence wordings and codes used throughout the court system of England and Wales
All legislation is annotated with clear explanations and guidance written in plain English by our dedicated team of Legal Advisers
Police Officers and Staff will be able to access the legal database free from any personal web enabled device as part of their force subscription, at no additional cost to the individual
PLUS a comprehensive legal question and answering service
Please see our Benefits page for more information.
Unique solutions for legal support and reference